Are we there yet

Are we there yet

Eyes talked, lips trembled
And yet, speechless it was,
You understood, I understood
And yet, we did not zing

Why you did not
Why I did not
What hindered us,
What made us clay statues

Is it fear, or is it shyness
I do not know
I really, do not know
Do you know,
If yes, please tell me,
Do tell me
I need to know

And now, we meet again, after seven winters,
Have we evolved from the shyness
Can we make things happen,
The way it was meant to be
Or keep it the way it is not meant to be

Are you there, the same person
Who hinted me,
Yet, you were afraid
to speak your heart
Am I there, the same person
Who hinted you,
Yet, I was scared
to speak my heart

I need to talk
You need to talk
For it to happen 

Are you there, to talk
Because I am here, to talk,
You are here, to talk,
But am I there, to talk

It gets confusing
It does
Who will be the first to profess
There has to be one,
There has to be one

Do we still feel for each other
Or we have our souls meant for others,
sometimes it just a fraction of a second
for love to blossom,
Sometimes it takes decades
to meet the right soul

are we really meant for each other
we do not know
Why, Why,
Will we be there for us
Time will tell
Or we will tell
Are we there yet,
Are we there yet
      This is the second poem I published in the Varsity Week Handwritten Magazine this year. 


  1. Best poem I have read this year.This can go into the urban classics.

    1. Very humble of you to say. Thank you so much.

  2. Romantic indeed.. I have noticed that you keep your words (of the poem) so simple, that makes it touch our hearts like an arrow!

    1. I am happy that I have been able to reach to my readers in a beautiful manner...thank you for the kind words !


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